What Next After A Game Development Degree?

You might be considering a future in game development. But have you ever wondered what comes next? What can you do after studying game development?

  1. Game Developer Extraordinaire: Let's start with the obvious choice – becoming a game developer! Armed with your skills in programming, design, and storytelling, you can join a game development studio and help create the next big hit. Whether you're coding gameplay mechanics, designing immersive environments, or writing gripping narratives, there's a role for you in the exciting world of game development.
  2. Indie Game Entrepreneur: If you're feeling entrepreneurial, why not strike out on your own and become an indie game developer? With platforms like Steam, itch.io, and the App Store making it easier than ever to publish and distribute games independently, there's never been a better time to go indie. Whether you're working solo or with a small team, indie game development offers creative freedom, artistic expression, and the chance to make your mark on the gaming world.
  3. Game Designer: Are you more interested in crafting engaging gameplay experiences than writing code? Consider a career as a game designer! Game designers are responsible for creating the rules, mechanics, and systems that make games fun to play. Whether you're designing levels, balancing difficulty, or prototyping new ideas, game design is all about creating compelling experiences that keep players coming back for more.
  4. Game Artist: Are you a talented artist with a passion for visual storytelling? Think about becoming a game artist. Game artists are responsible for creating the stunning visuals that bring games to life, from character designs and environmental art to animation and special effects. Whether you're working in 2D or 3D, game art is all about creating immersive worlds and captivating visuals that draw players into the game.
  5. Narrative Designer: Do you have a knack for storytelling and world-building? Perhaps you could become a narrative designer! Narrative designers are responsible for crafting the stories, characters, and dialogue that drive the narrative of a game. Whether you're writing branching dialogue trees, creating rich backstories for characters, or designing compelling quest lines, narrative design is all about creating immersive worlds and captivating stories that players won't soon forget.
  6. Game Tester/QA Analyst: Are you detail-oriented and enjoy finding bugs in software? Then you should consider a career as a game tester or quality assurance (QA) analyst. Game testers are responsible for playing games in development and identifying any bugs, glitches, or other issues that need to be fixed before the game is released. Whether you're conducting playtests, writing bug reports, or providing feedback to developers, game testing is all about ensuring that games are polished and bug-free before they hit the shelves.
  7. Game Producer/Project Manager: Are you organized, a natural leader, and good at multitasking? Why not consider a career as a game producer or project manager? Game producers are responsible for overseeing the development of a game from concept to completion, ensuring that it stays on schedule, on budget, and meets the quality standards set by the studio. Whether you're managing deadlines, coordinating team members, or liaising with stakeholders, game production is all about keeping the project on track and delivering a successful game on time.
  8. Game Educator/Instructor: Are you passionate about sharing your knowledge and inspiring the next generation of game developers? You could become a lecturer or trainer! Whether you're teaching game design, programming, art, or storytelling, game education is all about passing on your skills and expertise to the next generation of game developers.
  9. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Developer: Are you interested in pushing the boundaries of gaming technology? Consider augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) development as a career! With the rise of AR and VR technology, there's a growing demand for developers who can create immersive, interactive experiences that blur the line between the digital and physical worlds.
  10. Serious Games Developer: Do you want to use your game development skills to make a positive impact on the world? What about a career in serious games development? Serious games are games designed for purposes other than entertainment, such as education, training, healthcare, or social change. Whether you're creating educational games for classrooms, training simulations for professionals, or games that raise awareness about social issues, serious games development is all about using games as a tool for learning, growth, and social impact.

Whether you're passionate about creating immersive worlds, telling compelling stories, or pushing the boundaries of gaming technology, there's a place for you in the dynamic and diverse world of game development. So don't just dream about making games – make it happen!